Kate Humble yng Ngwarchodfa Coed Boduan

Mae gennym ni ddyddiad! Treuliodd Kate Humble a’i thîm cynhyrchu ddeuddydd yng Ngwarchodfa Coed Boduan yn ystod yr hydref diwethaf. Gwyliwch y rhaglen a wnaethant ddydd Gwener Awst 23ain am 7.30 ar BBC1 Cymru. Gwylio amser brig! Neu daliwch i fyny ar BBC iPlayer yn fuan ar ôl ei ddarlledu. (more…)

James Perrin – Yesterday, a woodland burial for a very dear, funny and gracious lady

James Perrin wrote a beautiful piece for the Guardian about the burial of a close friend that we put on our Facebook page on 17th January.

Yesterday, a woodland burial for a very dear, funny and gracious lady who died at the fine old age of 88, with dignity and calm courage, in the last minutes of the old year, after a long illness patiently borne. As we lowered her into the grave, barred rays of sunlight threaded through the trees, traversed her wicker coffin, illuminated the moss and the pale trunks of the silver birches…

Read the full article on the Guardian.


Newsletter 104 – August 2018

August is taking its usual damp course – but after warm summer weather, rain brings on the fungi, so I’m not complaining!  We’re holding a fungus foray on September 9th.  Here’s news of that and other things that are going on in the wood. Enjoy!  (more…)