Category: Newsletters

Newsletter 112 – November 2019

This autumn is spectacular! Yes, the recent weather may have been dire but the colours are glorious. The beeches are particularly lovely this year, all tawny and gold. And there’s so much fruit, so many fungi, so many nuts – I’ve never known an autumn like it.

Newsletter 111 – September 2019

Although it feels like autumn, the woodland trees are still green. I hope the storms don’t arrive for some weeks yet!

Newsletter 104 – August 2018

August is taking its usual damp course – but after warm summer weather, rain brings on the fungi, so I’m not complaining!  We’re holding a fungus foray on September 9th.  Here’s news of that and other things that are going on in the wood.  Enjoy! 

Newsletter 103 – May Day 2018

I am inspired! I was intending to go to the wood last Sunday (it being the last Sunday afternoon of April, and our regular Volunteer Day) but when I heard about the owlets, there was no question – I absolutely had to go! And what a reward I got! A baby owl in my hands!… Read more »