
Eternal Forest list of services & prices 2024

List of services Deposit Service charge Suggested donation Total service charge + donation
Single burial plot £295 £1010 £535 £1545
Double burial plot £590 £2020 £1070 £3090
Ashes plot 4m2 £295 £400 £280 £680
Ashes single plot 1m2 £200 £140 £340
Ashes placed within existing plot* £60 £75 £135
Pet – small cat/dog
(without casket)*
£95 £75 £170
Medium dog (without casket) or
Small pet in casket*
£155 £95 £250
Large dog (without casket) or Medium in casket* £214 £120 £334
Tree planting (from our tree nursery) £70-£240 Always welcome
Gravestones – Welsh slate (name & date) From £65 Always welcome
Rustic Bench £200

* Must be attended by member of staff

Here are our bank details:
Account name: The Eternal Forest Trust
sort code 16-58-10, account number 20010516.

Human burial

This includes clearing the plot, digging the grave and preparing a suitable area around it for mourners, provision of a hand-drawn wooden coffin cart to take the deceased to the burial site, attending the burial, re-filling the grave and restoring the area with woodland plants such as ferns, and finally, planting, if desired, with a native tree.

The charge does not include the following: provision of a coffin or shroud or the roles normally provided by funeral directors; celebrants, musicians or other professionals; grave marker.

The donation is voluntary and as such, its size is not fixed; but the charity relies on donations so we ask you to be generous.  We use this system of pricing because we are a charity and we want to make burial in the wood affordable to everyone.  Many of those who use our services are tax payers who allow us to claim gift aid on their donations.

Cremation ashes

This includes clearing and digging the plot, attending the burial and restoring the site after burying ashes. There’s an additional charge for us to plant a tree (only available on large plots). The trees we supply are locally grown, please ask us about an appropriate tree for your plot.

A grave marker is not included.

Pet burial

Pets may be buried in their owner’s plot or in individual pet plots.

People who have booked plots for their own future use, or those who have been looking after a pet belonging to someone who is buried in the wood, may bury the animal themselves in the pre-booked or dedicated plot by arrangement with us.  If no assistance is required, there will be no charge.  We would appreciate a donation and we need to be informed before a pet is buried.

Ring 01758 612 006 or email